Tutorial Woowandroid English
1. Please open the Play Store and download “Woowandroid WP”, 2. After the install is complete, please open the application,then fill in the domain,whatsapp number to automate,and the name of the device owner (only as a marker), then click NEXT, 3. After that select the connection type whether https or https, then click NEXT, 4. […]
Tutorial Woowandroid Indonesia
TUTORIAL WOOWANDROID INDONESIA Setting Woowandroid App Setting Plugin Woowa di WordPress 1. Silahkan buka Play Store dan download “Woowandroid WP”, 2. Setelah install selesai silahkan buka Aplikasinya,lalu isi domain,nomor whatsapp yang akan di automasi,dan nama pemilik device (hanya sebagai penanda), lalu klk NEXT, 3. Setelah itu pilih jenis koneksi apakah https atau https, lalu klik […]