1. Silahkan klik tombol Add Bot hingga muncul popup:

Silahkan pilih nomor sender yang akan dipasang autoresponder (bot), untuk type penjelasannya sebagai berikut:

-Exact Match = bot akan membalas jika customer Anda mengirim pesan dengan kata-kata yang persis sama tanpa ada embel-embel lain, contoh:
--keyword (exact match) : 'hi bot'
--response : 'haaloooo juugaaaa'
dengan settingan seperti ini maka ketika customer Anda mengirim pesan "haaalooo bot" atau "haihai bot" atau "hai bot sibot", response tidak akan berjalan, hanya akan berjalan jika pesan masuknya persis "hi bot".

-Start With = bot akan membalas jika customer Anda mengirim pesan yang huruf-hurufnya dimulai dengan keyword yang Anda setting walaupun tidak sama persis, contoh:
--keyword (start with) : 'harga'
--response : 'woowa ini harganya Rp197rb/bulan'
dengan settingan seperti ini, maka ketika customer Anda menulis pesan "harganya berapa min?", walaupun dia tidak exact match (tidak sama persis dengan keyword) tapi karena kalimat dimulai dengan kata 'harga' maka response akan tetap berjalan, dan hanya jika keywordnya ada di depan, jika pesan masuknya "min harga berapa?" atau "info dong harganya" maka response tidak akan berjalan karena keyword 'harga' bukan di depan.

-Contain : bot akan membalas jika customer Anda mengirim pesan yang mengandung keyword tertentu sesuai settingan tanpa melihat posisinya ada di depan atau tengah atau belakang dan tidak harus persis sama kata-katanya, contoh:
--keyword (contain) = 'diskon'
--response = 'buat agan boleh deh saya kasih diskon 30% tapi hanya sampai jam 10.00 yaa'
dengan settingan seperti ini maka ketika customer Anda menulis "diskonnya berapa min?" atau "berapa diskonnya min?" atau "min mau diskon!", bot akan tetap memberi response karena semua kalimat mengandung unsur diskon.

2. Setelah melakukan setting sender, type, keyword dan response, silahkan klik tombol "Add" :

setelah itu popup akan melakukan loading dan Anda akan melihat halaman berikut:
klik "Add" jika ingin menambahkan keyword lain dan proses akan berulang seperti awal, klik no jika sudah selesai.

3. Setelah dashboard Anda melakukan refresh otomatis, maka Anda akan kembali ke tampilan depan, silahkan pilih whatsapp sender number yang sudah di setting tadi:

Anda dapat langsung melakukan uji coba dengan mengirim pesan sesuai keyword ke nomor tersebut:

Sekian, terima kasih 🙂

1. Please click the Add Bot button until a popup appears:

Please select the sender number to install the autoresponder (bot) for the explanation type as follows:

-Exact Match = bot will reply if your customer sends a message with the exact same words without any other attribute, for example:
--keyword (exact match): 'hi bot'
--response: 'heellooo there, anything we can help?'
with this settings then when your customer sends a message "Haalooo bot" or "Haihai bot" or "hi bot woowa", the response will not works, it will only works if the incoming message match exactly "hi bot".

-Start With = bot will reply if your customer sends a message whose letters begin with keywords that you set even if they are not exactly the same, for example:
--keyword (start with): 'price'
--response: 'Woowa costs only $14/month'
with this settings, then when your customer writes the message "price please?", even though he does not exact match (not exactly the same as the keyword) but because the sentence starts with the word 'price' then the response will continue to run, and only if the keyword is up front, if the message arrives "what is the price?" or "give the price list please" then the response will not works because the 'price' keyword is not in front.

-Contain: bot will reply if your customer sends a message that contains certain keywords according to the settings no matter the position is, in front, middle, or at the end of sentences, and also doesn't have to be exactly match the keyword, for example:
--keyword (contain) = 'discount'
--response = 'for you, I can give you a 30% discount but only until 10:00 this morning'
with this settings, then when your customer writes "Discounting available?" or "do you have discount program?" or "give me a discount!", the bot will still give a response because all sentences contain an element of 'discount' even not exact match and also not start with it at front.

2. After setting the sender, type, keyword and response, please click the "Add" button:

after that the popup will load and you will see the following page:
click "Add" if you want to add another keyword and the process will repeat as the beginning, click no when it's finished.

3. After your dashboard refreshes automatically, then you will return to the dashboard page, please select whatsapp sender number that was set earlier and wait so the keywords will show up:

You can immediately do a trial by sending messages according to keywords to that number:

That's all and thank you 🙂