Integrasi dengan whatsify
Tolong segera integrasi dengan whatsify
Tolong segera integrasi dengan whatsify
Tolong tambahkan integrasi layanan ke framework Ruby On Rails
Request integrasi dengan order online, karena dari awal beli untuk kebutuhan tersebut
mohon disegerakan integrasi woowandroid dengan order online
in brazil we use a different type of payment, i need to add a new paid variable get this payment link, {payment_url}
Utk notif pengiriman pesan wa yg diintegrasikan dengan sejoli, bd disetting jeda antar pesan yg terkirim. Misal, jeda random 10-30 detik utk setiap pesannya (bisa di custom) jadi jk pesan yg banyak yg harus dikirim, no wa tetap aman tdk kena blockir WA. Terima kasih..
other than we choose a one country code in one country the customer can choose their country code when they checkout
Confirmation/Change Status of the order by keywords when customer send for example Confirm His last order get change to a specific status lets say confirmed
Would like to have an option for the customer to chose between languages and then all replies based on the option chosen.