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4 votes

broadcast schedule

Woowa bisa melakukan BC schedule ke no atau grup tertentu

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1 vote

how to add new variable?

in brazil we use a different type of payment, i need to add a new paid variable get this payment link, {payment_url}

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Jeda pengiriman untuk integrasi dengan sejoli bisa diatur

Utk notif pengiriman pesan wa yg diintegrasikan dengan sejoli, bd disetting jeda antar pesan yg terkirim. Misal, jeda random 10-30 detik utk setiap pesannya (bisa di custom) jadi jk pesan yg banyak yg harus dikirim, no wa tetap aman tdk kena blockir WA. Terima kasih..

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2 votes

Integration with WP Amelia

Hi, I would like to have an integration with WP Amelia. Where customers can book through the website and the booking confirmation will straight into customer's WhatsApp. Thanks.

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6 votes

Fitur pemberitahuan saat WA ter-logout

Saat WA terlogout dari server yg mengharuskan scan ulang QRcode, seharusnya ada pemberitahuan melalui email atau WA lain

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3 votes


http://api.woo-wa.com/v2.0/webhook ini feature nya tidak bisa ya…., minta tolong dibantu

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5 votes


Tolong Munculkan Video Tutorial untuk WooWA Versi yang terbaru. Soalnya tampilan tutorial berbeda dengan versi yang sekarang. Ditunggu segera. Makasih

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Customer choosing their Country Code

other than we choose a one country code in one country the customer can choose their country code when they checkout

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