Invoices for subscriptions
I would like to receive invoices for my upcoming subscription say 7 days before is falls due, a reminder in 3 days and the invoice for the payment on the day of payment.
I would like to receive invoices for my upcoming subscription say 7 days before is falls due, a reminder in 3 days and the invoice for the payment on the day of payment.
API for get expiry date of a license based on Whatsapp Number.
lebih powerfull jika terdapat shortcode untuk memanggil SUBTOTAL dan DISKON. Sehingga notif yang diterima customer tidak hanya jumlah (total) akhir.
there an issue with the plugin with regards to being Compatibility with woocommerce order status manager
Example : cs1 activate on after checkout & process cs2 active on complete order Kenapa ? seiring menigkatnya traffic order, admin order kewalahan jika ada pertanyaan terkait resi dll. Jadi agar terbagi tugas, cs1 sebagai garda terdepan closing. CS2 memulai perkenalan dengan buyer melalui info resi, karena status order baru akan complete ketika resi sudah […]
Halo, saya mengusulkan Woowa mampu mengirim pesan kepada transaksi yang dalam status "PENDING PAYMENT", Saat ini woo-wa baru bisa kirim pesan ke transaksi dalam status "ON HOLD". Pending payment ketika customer memilih payment gateway seperti; duitku, doku, ipaymu, midtrans, xendit, paypal dll. On Hold ketika customer memilih membayar menggunakan MANUAL TRANSFER. Terimakasih.
List of users who have opted out from receiving messages, so that bulk message not sent to them.
In the shortcode reference is not showing shipping method, only is showing Indo ongkir and Indo ongkir resi, but in english is not showing the shipping Method alone.
Request integrasi dengan orderonline, karena dari awal beli untuk kebutuhan tersebut