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2 votes

Package laravel untuk woowa eco

Pasti banyak yang terbantu. Contoh: $response = Woowa::make($licenseKey)->sendMessage('628123123123', 'halo'); dd($response); // 'success' $response = Woowa::make($licenseKey)->sendMessage('628123123123', 'halo')->async(); dd($response); // '12093019909' $response = Woowa::make($licenseKey)->getMessageStatus('12093019909'); dd($response); // 'success' $response = Woowa::make($licenseKey)->checkNumber('628123123123); dd($response); // 'not_exists' dst…

Requests Category: Woowa Eco 0 comments
2 votes

Woocommerce Chatbot Words Automations

To be able to create automation in the chatbot linked to woocommerce. For example if the customer types "invoice" in the chat you can link to it according to their data and resend the same by verifying id order, username and password.

Requests Category: Woowa Eco 0 comments
2 votes

scrape saved and unsaved number filtered by label on wa business

filter by label di wa bisnis itu sangat berguna sebagai penanda CS untuk customer. baik utk segmenting, tagging, atau sekedar reminding. sangat berguna jika kita bisa scrape number hanya by label tertentu saja. usecase spesifik dari saya: ketika broadcast produk muslim, ke database umum (saya ada toko lain sprti herbal, tanaman, dll). ada user yg […]

Requests Category: Woowa CRM 0 comments
2 votes


jika bisa untuk bot di crm ketika pc baru dinyalakan kembali dan membuka kembali whatsapp web, bot mengecek terlebih dahulu chat-chat belum terbaca yang mengandung kriteria yang ditentukan sebelumnya agar bot bisa merespon chat-chat yang masuk ketika pc sedang mati.

Requests Category: Woowa CRM 0 comments