Intergrate with WooCommerce Bookings
Notification for book date and time, and show your booking is 3 day later, 1 day later. So that able to remind the customer on the booking
Notification for book date and time, and show your booking is 3 day later, 1 day later. So that able to remind the customer on the booking
API for get expiry date of a license based on Whatsapp Number.
Example : cs1 activate on after checkout & process cs2 active on complete order Kenapa ? seiring menigkatnya traffic order, admin order kewalahan jika ada pertanyaan terkait resi dll. Jadi agar terbagi tugas, cs1 sebagai garda terdepan closing. CS2 memulai perkenalan dengan buyer melalui info resi, karena status order baru akan complete ketika resi sudah […]
Would be awesome if you can integrate with the official woocommerce shipment tracking plugin. thanks Shipment Tracking
Pasti banyak yang terbantu. Contoh: $response = Woowa::make($licenseKey)->sendMessage('628123123123', 'halo'); dd($response); // 'success' $response = Woowa::make($licenseKey)->sendMessage('628123123123', 'halo')->async(); dd($response); // '12093019909' $response = Woowa::make($licenseKey)->getMessageStatus('12093019909'); dd($response); // 'success' $response = Woowa::make($licenseKey)->checkNumber('628123123123); dd($response); // 'not_exists' dst…
Supaya kita bisa memvalidasi webhook yang datang, sebaiknya dibuatkan signature pada header dengan menggunakan hash dari api key / license key
ketika kontak not valid, kami request bisa delete bulk di menu my contacts. atau ada fitur "bersihin nomer gak valid" karna kadan kita import kan dari google contacts, atau platform lain yg datanya udah lama2, jadi gak update, sehingga meminimalisir waktu broadcast, dan kemungkinan banned karena invalid numbers. (fiturnya seperti ketika preview broadcast, tapi ini […]