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25 votes

Chat with customers

Being able to chat with customers inside the tool

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22 votes

whatsappweb for livechat inside woo-wa

To be able to chat with customers from whatsapp web in different devices as when woo-wa is setup we cant log in whatsapp web from other device. the point is to be able to chat with customer from multiple devices mantining woo-wa

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9 votes

Pemisahan User Owner dan user IT

Fitur Owner bisa lihat semua, tapi user IT hanya bisa integrasi aja (ga bisa add license dan ubah nomor HP)

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8 votes

Trusted badge dan masking per lisensi

Kalau bisa kak di sediakan juga layanan tambahan sebagai add ons untuk trusted badgedan masking nya, soalnya banyak customer kita yang minta seperti itu, biar terlihat official

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