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26 votes

Chat with customers

Being able to chat with customers inside the tool

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23 votes

whatsappweb for livechat inside woo-wa

To be able to chat with customers from whatsapp web in different devices as when woo-wa is setup we cant log in whatsapp web from other device. the point is to be able to chat with customer from multiple devices mantining woo-wa

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18 votes

nama akun whatsapp bisa disetting

Assalamu’alaykum bang ane punya request supaya tampilan nama akun wa kita berubah dari nomor wa menjadi nama yang bisa kita tentukan, contoh Amien Rais Official. biar kustomer percaya kalo nomor wa ini resmi dari kita bukan spam

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16 votes

Broadcast [With Image] + [MultiTab Browser] + [Schedule] + [Max Sending Message]

[With Image] : Kirim Broadcast dengan Gambar, tidak hanya text saja [MultiTab Browser] : Kirim Broadcast dengan nomor/license yang berbeda (MultiTab) jalan berbarengan.. Contact/CSV file yang di upload tidak tercampur [Schedule] : Kirim Broadcast dengan Schedule per Nomor/per License [Max Sending Message] : Kirim Broadcast dibatasi hanya mengirim 500 perJam, jika CSV File berisi 1000 […]

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11 votes

Broadcast Video

mohon disediakan broadcast video

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